Updates from May, 2008 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Pete Eyre 1:01 pm on May 6, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Defense Fund and Court Date Update 

    Just wanted to thank everyone who made it out to the Union Pub last Friday. Between the inexpensive entry fee and t-shirt sells, it looks like we netted around $500 for the defense fund. This brings us to just under 80% of our goal. Good stuff.

    If you weren’t able to make it out or didn’t have enough coin at the time to purchase a shirt, you can do so here. Note that the shirts make great gifts and will help show those around you that you won’t stand for State aggression.

    In other news, a few folks have asked us of the status of the court date. Well, Brooke was originally supposed to appear during the last week of April, but now she was informed it was pushed back to May 21st. Perhaps the State is scared they don’t have a case?? Stay tuned for more.

  • raylehmann 10:49 am on May 2, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    TONIGHT! One Night Only With the Jefferson 1 

    The liberal Christopher Hitchens! The conservative First Fridays! The libertarian Bureaucrash! All that, and the Jefferson 1 herself will be on hand at D.C.’s Union Pub for a special post-partisan affair, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. EDST. It’s $5 at the door, which covers the cost of one drink and a one-time donation to the FreeTheJefferson1 Defense Fund. If you’re in the Washington area and can make it out to Capitol Hill for a few hours, we’d love to see you there.

    Roughly $3,300 has been raised thus far to assist our own Brooke Oberwetter, as she continues to fight federal charges of “interfering with an agency function” and “demonstrating without a permit,” all brought because she had the temerity to ask U.S. Park Police why she was not permitted to bop silently in celebration of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday.

    More info here.

    • bruce majors 6:08 pm on May 2, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      where is Union Pub?

      link above nonfunctional

  • Jonathan Blanks 7:45 pm on April 19, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Holy F*****’ S***! 

    If you’ve seen the videos, you know where the title comes from. It was the exclamation Jason yelled when he realized Brooke was being placed under arrest.

    Why is that important?

    Well, some commenters have suggested that we wanted this to happen and/or staged this. This is patently untrue–Jason’s genuine shock and dismay are testament to that. (And certainly, if this is what we planned all along, you’d think Jason would have stuck around in the room to witness the entire arrest.)

    You can believe me or choose not to, but that’s the way it was. We hoped, sincerely, that after she was handcuffed and put in the side room that they would let her go –thinking perhaps they took her in there just to scare her or intimidate us so that we would disperse. Of course, when they put her in the van to take her to jail, we all knew that this was for real and we felt we had to do something.

    In our network of friends, a large number of people know Brooke. So, as it was going down, we all got on our phones and started calling our friends with well-read blogs and asked them to get the information out there. Knowing Brooke, and understanding the value of the story, they obliged us with the needed publicity to bring public pressure on the Park Police.

    Technology allowed us to get the word out quickly — it had nothing to do with pre-planning anything. There is no way we could have launched this 10– or probably even five — years ago to the effect that we have. Just like “Don’t Tase Me Bro” and other web-based phenomena, this is a result of people with access to new media (and a few sympathetic media contacts, admittedly) spreading the word to get people’s attention.

    Was this the most egregious thing to happen in the country that night? No. It probably wasn’t even the most egregious thing to happen in DC. But the incident’s severity is not the point.

    To that end, several people have complained that there are larger and more terrible issues which require our attention. While this is certainly true, it does not follow that because there are worse things happening in the country and world that this should just be forgotten about. Our friend’s liberty was taken away– for asking a question. This, while in the grand scheme of things not the worst thing to ever happen, is not remotely acceptable and we are working very hard to correct that.

    The Park Police would like nothing better than for this story to go away. They understand that people have short attention spans and something else in the news cycle will invariably eclipse the J-1. But when that happens, the pressure will be off of them and they can go back to business as usual–and that may include treating more people like they treated Brooke.

    The Park Police must understand that they must not treat citizens like this. They must be brought to answer for what they did, no matter how slight it may appear to outsiders who didn’t spend five hours in a jail cell. Just as individuals who break the law must endure penalties, so too must the government be held accountable when they abuse the substantial power they wield.

    Brooke is fighting this, as well she should, and she needs your help to do so effectively. For information on the Defense Fund, go here. Please give what you can to make sure the Park Police know this will not be tolerated here.

    • Dean 8:20 am on April 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      Brooke’s arrest for asking “Why?” reminds of the scene in The Pianist where a young woman asks “Where are we going?” and is promptly shot.

      How long before we get to that point in this country?

    • Don Berg 2:01 pm on April 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      In my post regarding this event I pose the question “What’s a Cop’s Job?” (http://blog.attitutor.com/2008/04/whats-cops-job-on-arrest-of-jefferson.html) There are both moral and practical issues at stake and it is important to articulate the moral issues clearly. In this case the severity of the particular event is not of great consequence, but the erosion of the trust that we, the people, have in authority is of great consequence. Police are entrusted with the lethal tools of violence and given extraordinary powers to protect us from violence and disorder, but when they use those tools and powers against innocent people they undermine the moral foundations of their own authority.

      This incident is a blemish on the honor of all law enforcement. The authorities need to treat it as an object lesson in a failure of professionalism and how unforgiving the public will be in the digital age.

    • Brian 5:06 pm on April 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      I made a little graphic you may want to use in connection with this site. Ejoy:

      “Atlas Danced”

    • Bill St. Clair 8:11 am on April 21, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      You can complain and write blogs and post videos all you want. The police won’t care. Until they are physically stopped from kidnapping people, they will continue to do it. Self defense is not a crime. It is the duty of every lover of liberty. A fancy uniform, funny hat, and shiny badge is not a license to kidnap. Kidnapping is a capital crime. Calling it “arrest” does not change its nature one wit.

    • ChrisW 2:31 pm on April 21, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      You note that “some commenters have suggested that we wanted this to happen and/or staged this”

      Actually, if you could have planned this, it’s all the more damning of the park authorities. The only way this could be planned is if it’s not a one-time aberration.

      To plan such an outcome, you’d have to be reasonably sure that the problems are so systematic and ingrained that the outcome we observed would indeed occur.

  • Jonathan Blanks 4:16 pm on April 17, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Alcohol Liberation Front 5: Free the Jefferson 1 

    If you live in the D.C. area, meet the J-1 (and most, if not all, of the fine authors on this site) at the Tech Liberation Front’s Alcohol Liberation Front Monday:

    Alcohol Liberation Front 5 is happening Monday, April 21, at the Science Club, 1136 19th Street, NW, Washington D.C.

    As if the excitement of hanging around with the TLF bloggers weren’t enough, we’re making the event a fundraiser for our friend (and former co-blogger), Brooke Oberwetter. Brooke was arrested at the Jefferson Memorial the other night – for dancing. Or perhaps for asking why dancing wasn’t allowed.

    She needs funds to pay for legal fees, and you need an excuse to drink. It’s a match made in heaven!

    Many thanks to Jim Harper, Tim Lee & co. for making this happen!

    And no, she will not be able to answer specific questions about the case. (That especially applies to you, media.) Sorry. Blame her lawyer.

    If you can’t make it to the event, you can still give today!

    • Brady Westling 1:05 am on April 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply

      Hey guys –

      I don’t know what’s really going on, only what you have posted here. Make sure you brush up on your federal and DC area ‘disorderly conduct laws’ – should help a bundle. If you were *peacefully* and *quietly* DANCING .. that would fall under the First Amendment Free Speech and Free Expression. DC and Federal monument and park laws are probably a good thing to look into, as well as documented court cases. If it as peaceful as the videos looked that division – I believe- had better get their hip waders out.

      Good Luck.


  • jdtalley 11:04 am on April 16, 2008 Permalink | Reply  

    Help the Jefferson 1! 

    A defense fund has been set up for Brooke. You can donate here, or find out more about the fund here.

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